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Impress your guests by using these wall painting and decorating tricks

We all want to make a great impression on our guests regardless if it is the first time that they come to our house or they are coming after our home renovation is done. Above anywhere else, the entrance and hallway are the first areas of the home that they will see. This is where you should focus on doing some tricks to make a great first impression. 

Check out these fantastic painting and decorating tricks if you are looking for ideas on how to impress your visitors as soon as they enter your home. 

Use two tones 

Using a single colour on all walls is now a thing of the past. Two-tone walls are now becoming more popular as it promotes modern and stylish ambience to a residential home. If you find it pretty challenging to play with the colours, you can do half and half with a two-tone wall to create a layered, elegant look without appearing too bold. It will keep your home looking elegant and simple at the same time. 

Create optical effects 

You can showcase your creativity by experimenting with the paints and decors of your hallway. Changing the proportions and using accents to the entrance of your other rooms is the best way to do it. Use darker and lighter shades of the same colour to create an optical effect on your home. Use the lighter shade to paint the hallway and the darker shade on the wall to the far end, leading to the kitchen or living room. You can also paint your doors, walkways, and woodworks with a lighter shade. 

Add shapes and lines 

Adding shapes, lines, and patterns is another trick in creating an impressive hallway. You can create a two-tone look by painting a striper wall to the side of your entrance using lighter and darker shades of colour. 

Use two contrasting colour tones 

Another way to create an impressive hallway is to experiment with colour pallets and contrasting tones. There is a large variety of colour schemes to choose from, and you can select the colours that suit your liking. You may also prefer to combine two different intense shades to create a bold and extravagant hallway. 

Choose decorations wisely 

Aside from the painting, the decors you put on your entrance and hallway create an impression on your guests. Look for artwork, flowers, drapes, and other types of decorations that can accentuate your hallway. 

Hire professional decorators and painters 

Undeniably, painting and decorating a space is not for everyone. It takes a massive amount of talent and experience to create a space that can impress everyone. 

If you need help creating a stunning and elegant hallway to impress your guests, contact our team for assistance. Our experienced painters and decorators can realise your dream of having a gorgeous and flawless space at a cost-effective price. 

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